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How are companies sorted and highlighted on Wefunder?

Offerings displayed on the platform are sorted by objective metrics, including page views, press mentions, Twitter followers, Facebook likes, investment velocity, number of Wefunder followers, endorsements, ratings by users, the amount raised, and/or pitch completeness. Our algorithms cannot make sound investment decisions, and our sorting of offerings does not constitute an investment recommendation.

We also highlight and advertise campaigns listed on Wefunder, including building pages on our site based on distinct themes, sending emails to our users, and running social media campaigns. We select campaigns to be highlighted based on objective criteria, which we apply consistently to all companies on the platform – giving every company that meets the criteria the same shot to be featured. 

Criteria we use to highlight and advertise companies include: 

- Progress of campaign (amount raised)

- Industry or type of product

- Primary business channels (e.g., business-to-business, direct-to-consumer)

- Location of primary operation or incorporation

- Founder's location of origin

- Company's or founder(s)' participation in accelerator, incubator, or similar programs

- Company's investors, including venture capital and prominent angel investors

- Company's involvement in new product launches, such as the Community Round initiative

- Company's focus on social or environmental impact

- Gender of founder(s)

- Race or ethnicity of founder(s)

- Award(s) founder(s) have won

- Founder(s)' alma maters

- Having an upcoming webinar scheduled

- Collaborating with another company that has raised or is raising on Wefunder

- Companies that Subject Matter Experts have invested in through our Champions Initiative

We do not highlight or advertise campaigns based on the advisability of investing, and our highlighting or advertising of a campaign does not constitute an investment recommendation or solicitation. 

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